Main Street Kids

Pastor Chris Ross

Our Mission: Main Street Kids exists to help kids discover wholeness in Christ.

At Main Street Church, we love and value kids because Jesus loves and values kids. Each Sunday morning we provide a safe, loving and age-appropriate environment where kids can gather to learn more about God and grow in their relationship with him.

Nursery (age 0 -2) - meets in Nursery at south entrance in Auditorium
•Tykestown (age 2-K) - meets in Tykestown area in the Kids Building
•Kidcity (Grade 1-3) - meets in the Kidcity area in the Kids building.
•Uptown (Grade 4-6) - meets in the Kidcity area in the Kids building.

Visit our FB page at MAIN STREET KIDS for current updates on our programs, Summer Action Days events and a whole lot more!