Who are you doing life with?
Life Groups are one of the primary ways we connect and care for people at Main Street Church. Our Life Groups run from mid-September to June. Life Groups are small groups of 6-14 people that meet on a weekly basis to discuss Sunday’s messages, study the Bible, build encouraging relationships, and pray together.
They meet on various days, times & locations.
They meet on various days, times & locations.

Sign-up to Join a life group:
interested in leading a life group?
Our life group leaders play a vital role in helping to foster and develop Disciples of Jesus at Main Street Church. Every year, we have hundreds of people looking to connect into community and we need many leaders to make these groups happen! As a life group leader, you would get to decide the details of your group, such as day of the week, demographic, meeting schedule and location. Training, mentorship and curriculum for all our leaders is an integral part of our life groups ministry and we will come alongside and support you as you work to develop relationships within your group. If you are interested in potentially leading a group, we want to hear from you!