The church is to be led by a plurality of godly leaders. At Main Street Church we practice a Leadership, Staff driven, non-congregational governance model that positions those in leadership to lead and to serve and fulfill the mission God has given us to Help people experience wholeness in Christ. We seek to put Jesus in His rightful place as the Head of the church teaching us to hear His voice and submit to His Word. Because Jesus is the Head of the church, He has given leaders to the church with a mandate to use their gifts to fulfill His directives for the church. This model also gives staff the opportunity to maximize their gifts and talents as they lead their ministries and make practical decisions on how to implement and carry out the direction provided by the Leadership Team.
Here are the integral parts of our leadership structure explained.
Here are the integral parts of our leadership structure explained.
1. Jesus. We believe the church is His. He is our Ultimate Lead Pastor and we come under His guidance as he sets apart qualified Christians in roles of leadership within His church. Our desire is that Jesus would not simply be a figure head but would be our functional Savior. We believe He speaks and leads the church and we seek to listen to His voice first and above all others.
2. The Leadership Team (Church Board). Main Street is a Leadership driven and led church (Acts 20:17-38, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17; Titus 1:7-9; Hebrews 13:17; 1Peter 5:1-5). The Leadership Team (Board) are comprised of volunteers who provide oversight, vision, and guidance to the corporate side of the church and most importantly the spiritual side of the church under the Leadership of the Lead Pastor. Their role is to direct and protect the vision and values of the church by evaluating the effectiveness and direction of the church in light of three things: mission, resources and doctrine. These leaders are chosen by meeting the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 have attended a Hearing God Workshop and Encounter God Retreat and are in agreement with the Leadership Team Covenant.
3. Lead Pastor. The Lead Pastor is accountable to the Leadership Team (Board). His role is to pray, teach, cast and implement the vision of the church through the Leadership Team, Pastors and Ministry Staff.
4. Pastoral and Ministry Staff. The Pastoral and ministry staff are comprised of paid full time and part time positions who are accountable to the Lead Pastor and provide direct oversight over a particular area of ministry. Their primary charge is to equip, lead and support volunteer leaders and teams.
5. Finance and Administration Team. This Team meets monthly to look over the church finances, budgetary items, policies and procedures presenting changes and proposals to the Leadership Team as needed.
6. Church Partners. Church Partners are volunteers who carry out the ministry of the church. They are equipped to lead in their unique context and according to their specific abilities, passion, and life experience. A ministry partner shares in their commitment to the church by agreeing to our partnership covenant and joyfully living in community, serving the church and giving faithfully.
Ministry Partners can refer names to the Leadership Team for consideration who then undergo a prayerful screening, interview, and approval process. Approved candidates are then presented to Main Street Church's Ministry partners for affirmation. They are not paid staff; they serve as volunteers. The completed Leadership Team consists of no less than 5 individuals plus the Lead Pastor who provides a key link between the Leadership Team and the staff. Each member of the Leadership Team has equal voice to the system of consensual agreement on the team.
2. The Leadership Team (Church Board). Main Street is a Leadership driven and led church (Acts 20:17-38, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17; Titus 1:7-9; Hebrews 13:17; 1Peter 5:1-5). The Leadership Team (Board) are comprised of volunteers who provide oversight, vision, and guidance to the corporate side of the church and most importantly the spiritual side of the church under the Leadership of the Lead Pastor. Their role is to direct and protect the vision and values of the church by evaluating the effectiveness and direction of the church in light of three things: mission, resources and doctrine. These leaders are chosen by meeting the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 have attended a Hearing God Workshop and Encounter God Retreat and are in agreement with the Leadership Team Covenant.
3. Lead Pastor. The Lead Pastor is accountable to the Leadership Team (Board). His role is to pray, teach, cast and implement the vision of the church through the Leadership Team, Pastors and Ministry Staff.
4. Pastoral and Ministry Staff. The Pastoral and ministry staff are comprised of paid full time and part time positions who are accountable to the Lead Pastor and provide direct oversight over a particular area of ministry. Their primary charge is to equip, lead and support volunteer leaders and teams.
5. Finance and Administration Team. This Team meets monthly to look over the church finances, budgetary items, policies and procedures presenting changes and proposals to the Leadership Team as needed.
6. Church Partners. Church Partners are volunteers who carry out the ministry of the church. They are equipped to lead in their unique context and according to their specific abilities, passion, and life experience. A ministry partner shares in their commitment to the church by agreeing to our partnership covenant and joyfully living in community, serving the church and giving faithfully.
Ministry Partners can refer names to the Leadership Team for consideration who then undergo a prayerful screening, interview, and approval process. Approved candidates are then presented to Main Street Church's Ministry partners for affirmation. They are not paid staff; they serve as volunteers. The completed Leadership Team consists of no less than 5 individuals plus the Lead Pastor who provides a key link between the Leadership Team and the staff. Each member of the Leadership Team has equal voice to the system of consensual agreement on the team.
- They carry the ultimate responsibility and authority before Jesus to see that the church remains on a true biblical course; that its members are being appropriately shepherded, that the body is being fed through insightful and accurate biblical teaching, and that the life of the church is being well managed with the assistance of competent and godly leaders.
- They protect the body of Christ against harmful influences, confronting those who are contradicting biblical truth or continuing in a pattern of sinful behavior.
- They discern false teaching and behavior contradictory to biblical truth and implement appropriate church discipline.
- Participate as needed in the biblical process of conflict resolution outlined by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-20
- They care about the spiritual and physical well being of members; pray regularly for the sick.
- Give oversight to the annual Main Street Budget.
- Encourage the Lead Pastor, their staff and volunteers.
- Conduct annual review of the Lead Pastor.